You CAN Learn How to Make Your Own Needle Felted Creations - In Just 14 Days!  FUN - FAST - AFFORDABLE

 Everything You Need to Know: 3 projects, Info. on wool, needles and more!

Video Tutorials for 3 Easy, Cute Projects, step-by-step!

Want to Try the First Course Project (Heart)...FREE?  Scroll Down.

 Don't be intimidated by Needle Felting!
It's easy to learn with our step-by-step method!

 Our course teaches you to create three adorable needle felted projects, 

including a heart, owl, and alpaca, in just 20 minutes a day!

 Our course is different from others because we aren't just a random collection of disjointed tutorials. In our course, each project is strategically 

designed to grow your skills incrementally! 

It's a streamlined learning experience that takes you from total beginner to skilled creator in two weeks!

We also provide a complete education in the basics, covering wool, needles, and tools, 

 so you won't miss a thing! 

Plus, we offer online support through our Facebook group, where you can upload photos or videos of any issues you're struggling with and get help from our mentors. 

What other course offers you this level of support? 

If you are wondering:

  • What is Needle Felting, exactly? | Stabbing wool repeatedly with a needle condenses the wool together and creates a shape (or sculpture). You only need 3 things... 1 needle, a bit of wool and a pad to work on, it's that simple! Watch the tutorial at the end of this page to see felting in action!

  • Is Needle Felting Hard? | No! It's a beginner friendly craft and this course makes it EASY to learn.

  • Is Needle Felting Expensive? | An ounce of core wool is as low as $3.00 or less.  An ounce can make 2 or more projects.

  • Where do I get wool? | We provide extensive resource lists for online retailers. Kit link inside course, 

  • How much time wil this take?| This course is streamlined learning, in bite sized bits, and you will only need to practice for minutes a day.

Want to see inside the course? 

Here is a sneak preview for you!

Join now and be creating projects that WOW your friends and family 

in only weeks!

What's In This Course?

Modules 1-3

Modules 1 - 3:  Wool, Needles and Pads.  We simplify! With EVERYTHING you need to know for success.  Buy with confidence and SAVE MONEY after these modules.

Module 4 - The Heart

This First, EASY project will teach you proper needle technique and how to felt firmly. Video plus PDF

Module 5 - Owl

Easy, FUN and Fast, this 3-D owl will teach you basic shaping and adding details. We roll him from one piece of wool! 3 Videos plus PDF

Module 6 - Alpaca

This fluffy cheeked cutie is going to take your skills to the next level. Have no fear though! We walk you through every step with videos that are an average of 5 minutes each. Nothing is left out and when you are done you will LOVE what you have accomplished! 6 lessons, multiple videos plus PDF

Module 7 - BONUS

SELLING -  How to start selling your work PROFITABLY; Pricing formulas, How to sell online and locally. PLUS marketing secrets!

RESOURCES - We give you an extensive list of the BEST online suppliers, with reviews!

Master Needle Felting in only 14 Days:

✓  Hands On Approach Maximum results with a streamlined course.

✓  Short Videos for Daily Practice - Master the art of felting with our innovative SPEED LEARNING program!

✓  Concise Info. to maximize your time - No fluff here (pun intended)! We give you exactly what you need to see RESULTS fast!

✓  Save time and money  Stop wasting time scouring the internet, piecing together information. Everything you need is right here.

Needle Felting Made Easy COURSE


Introductory Price (normally $67)
Online, on demand - Lifetime access

In case you were wondering...

  • Can I join this course at anytime?
    Yes, this is not a live course. You can start anytime you want...midnight on Monday or 2pm on Wednesday, it's completely up to you.

  • Is this for beginners? I do have some experience...?
    This course is perfect for absolute beginners as well as for those that have some felting experience. It goes from complete newbie and takes you through to intermediate level.
  • What supplies do I need? Is there a KIT?
    Supplies needed are currently under $20. We have a link in the course so that you can buy the exact wool bundle needed from one of our favorite suppliers (NOT my company or affiliate) or you can search and buy what's needed on your own. Complete materials list is available inside the course.
  • What kind of support is included?
    Good News! We have group support that is currently included with this course! Right now, for a limited time, I am opening up our facebook group to the students of this class for FREE (normally $9 a month). This the place to visit when you have questions, want to share photos of your work or get inspired. We also have periodic live FB group calls!
  • How can you offer this course so inexpensively?
    I've created this fun and RESULTS oriented course so that everyone can enjoy the magic without breaking the bank. 

    Most courses out there are three times the price, but I believe in sharing the love and spreading joy to as many people as possible! 

    I will keep it at this price for as long as I can, but hosting a course is not cheap, and prices are rising. So if you are interested, grab it now!
  • How long does this course take to finish?
    This course is designed to be finished in a two week time period. HOWEVER, you can take as long as you like, or finish it in as little as a week (It has been done!).
  • Is needle felting good for stress release or anger management?
    Yes! You get to release your pent-up anger by repeatedly stabbing a piece of wool with a barbed needle. It's like therapy, but with a crafting twist! Said tongue-in-cheek, of course. But many people do find that the rhythm of needle felting relaxes them and takes the edge off their stress. It's a great, relaxing craft.
  • Can I get a refund?
    As this is a digital product, you will have a 24 hour window to review the course to see if it's right for you. If you decide it isn't, we will cheerfully refund your money within that time frame.
FREE - First Course Project -
The Heart Tutorial

What you need:

* 1/8 oz. wool batt
* cookie cutter (simple shape)
* 1 needle felting needle ( #38 triangle)

✓  35 videos - 7 Modules - Lifetime access

✓   5 PDFs with photos and written instructions for all the projects 
✓  An online community - Ask questions, get help, make friends! 
✓  BONUS #1 - Resources with reviews for the best supplies and suppliers!
✓  BONUS #2 - How to sell and market your art PROFITABLY - online and local marketing secrets and pricing formulas!
  • Total payment
  • 1xNeedle Felting Made Easy Course$19.97

All prices in USD

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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